Django Page Not Found of Upload File

It happens very frequently that a visitor on your website typed a wrong URL or the page user is looking for no longer exists.

What exercise you do to handle such cases?

Yous have iii options.

  • Redirect the visitor to the abode page, silently.
  • Bear witness a tiresome 404 error folio then ask them to click on a link to become to the home page.
  • Create your own funny/awesome/informative custom 404 error page.

In this commodity, we will hash out the third option i.e. How to evidence your own fault folio in Django 2.0 project when a URL is not found.

The code is available on Github.

How to create your own custom 404 error page in Django:

A custom 404 error page can serve multiple other purposes apart from only telling the user that the link yous visited is not correct.

Yous can ask the user to subscribe or sign-up. Or you may show some funny stuff.

django 404 not found

Steps to show custom 404 mistake page in Django:

Project Setup:

- Create a virtual environment using python3 and actuate it.

- Once the virtual surround is activated, install the Django 2.0 in information technology using pip.

pip install Django==2.0.3

- Now get to the directory where you desire to create a projection. - Run the below command to create a new project.

django-admin startproject error_404

- This will create a new folder error_404  in your electric current working directory. Inside the project directory, there will be  file.

- Now we will use  file to run django commands.

- Create a new app inside the project. Apply the beneath command to create a new app.

python startapp myapp

- This will add a new app to your project. The tree structure of your projection at this point will look like as below:

(django2) rana@Nitro:error_404$ tree . ??? error_404 ?   ??? ?   ??? ?   ??? ?   ??? ??? ??? myapp     ???     ???     ???     ??? migrations     ?   ???     ???     ???     ???  4 directories, 14 files        

- Don't forget to add your newly created app to the list of installed apps in project file.


INSTALLED_APPS = [     'django.contrib.admin',     'django.contrib.auth',     'django.contrib.contenttypes',     'django.contrib.sessions',     'django.contrib.letters',     'django.contrib.staticfiles',     'myapp', ]        

- Right now if you beginning your python server using command python runserver  , you will see below output in your terminal.

(django2) rana@Nitro:error_404$ python runserver Performing arrangement checks...  System check identified no issues (0 silenced).  You have xiv unapplied migration(south). Your projection may not work properly until you lot apply the migrations for app(s): admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions. Run 'python migrate' to apply them.  March 19, 2018 - 17:21:xix Django version 2.0.iii, using settings 'error_404.settings' Starting development server at Quit the server with Command-C.

- And you can come across your project is working but fine by going to localhost:8000  in your browser. If y'all seen below screen means all is proficient.

django 404 not found

Showing 404 mistake folio:

- If you lot try to go to some URL which doesn't exists withal like localhost:8000/abc , then it will show the default 404 page not found fault folio of Django.

custom 404 error page in django

- When you will deploy the code on server, you volition set DEBUG = False   and ALLOWED_HOST = ["your_domain"]   hence your incorrect URL volition return response equally shown beneath.

django 404 when debug is false

On your localhost y'all demand to edit your projection/  file to evidence this error.


# SECURITY Alarm: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = False  ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]        

Setting "*" in allowed hosts will allow you run your project with any host when debug is imitation. Don't do this in production.

At present go inside your app and create urls.pyfile.


from django.urls import path  from . import views  urlpatterns = [     path('', views.index, proper name='index'), ]

Custom 404 mistake folio:

Now create a new view inside your file. Mind the second parameter exception  in mistake view.


from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse   def error_404_view(request, exception):     data = {"name": ""}     return render(request,'myapp/error_404.html', data)   def alphabetize(request):     return HttpResponse("Hello, world. Yous're at the Home page of Django sample project error 404.")

Create an HTML file which will show advisable message or form or funny stuff in myapp/templates/myapp  directory.


<html>   <head>   </caput>   <body>     <h1> This is a custom 404 fault page which will           be shown instead of default 404 error page of Django everytime          incorrect urls is entered in browser.     </h1>   </body> </html>

Now go to  file of your project and update it. file error_404/ volition look like as below:

from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include from django.conf.urls import handler404  urlpatterns = [     path('admin/',,     path('', include('myapp.urls')), ]   handler404 = 'myapp.views.error_404_view'

Now if you go to your browser and open any not-existent URL, you will be shown custom 404 error page.

displaying custom 404 error page not found page in django

Nosotros need to set DEBUG = False and ALLOWED_HOST = ["*"] or whatever your host is in order to run into custom 404 fault page.


The code is available on Github. Please become through the README file to setup the projection on your automobile.



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Comment in case of any query.

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